Whisperwood's Hope for the Future

Whisperwood's brought home an "Emmy"

Emmy is a beautiful red girl. She is half Shang Su from her sire and her mom, I Carly has produced beautiful red and red and white babies. She is a full sister (different litter) to Reign.
Whisperwoods Reigning Princess

Reign is our tri colored imperial girl. She is 6.5 lbs. She is a full sister (different litter) to Emmy. She has the sweetest personality and loves everyone.
Whisperwood's Cassandra the Enchantress

Cassie is a future mama. She is a red girl from well know lines. She is a half sister to Emmy and Reign. They have the same Shang Su sire. I expect her to be in the 8 lb range. She is a snuggle bug.
Whisperwood's Little Hot Shot - Winchester

"Chester" is a tri colored male. He comes from a full Shang Su daddy 4.5 lbs and a beautiful tri mommy who produces some of the most gorgeous imperial puppies. He weighs 6.5 lbs. He has produced some tiny pups with gorgeous coats and faces.
Whisperwood's Gentleman Jack

Whisperwood's Little Diesel, Riggins
A very special thank you to my friend and mentor, Debbie Freeman of Winterberry Pines Shih Tzu for making my dream a reality.